Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network - October 2009

Whereas for our south European and American observers the good weather 
continued in October, we had the typical autumn weather conditions farther 
north. Hence, there were just 17 cameras last month that recorded meteors 
in twenty or more nights. On the other hand, nights are getting longer in 
October. So we almost reached the August and September result and collected 
for the third time in a row nearly 4,000 hours of effective observing time. 
With respect to meteor counts, the Orionids and Taurids were clearly 
noticeable. With 21,500 meteors we did not quite reach the August result, but 
recorded a few thousand meteors more than in September. 
Once more, there were four non-intensified cameras (SCO38, MIN38, TEMPLAR1, 
C3P8) among the five cameras with highest meteor counts - only BOCAM was 
among the top performing cameras. The highest nightly counts were obtained 
with image-intensified cameras (AVIS2: 338, BOCAM:234), but the better
observing conditions in Italy and Spain more than compensated for this

Also in 2009, the Orionids (MDC: 8 ORI) were more active than in the years
before 2006. The IMO Quick Look analysis of visual observations derived ZHR
values beyond 30 between the morning of October 20 and the evening of
October 23 with maximum rates of 45 in the nights of October 21/22 and 22/23.
Overall, the observing conditions were less than perfect, so that only a few
observers obtained longer observing series. The same happened to the video
observers - beside SALSA there was not a single camera with clear skies in
the full maximum period. Thus, the analysis of the 2009 data was based on
averaging the data over all cameras again. For each night, the number of
Orionids (7,238 in total) and sporadic meteors (9,746 in total) was 
determined. The ratio between both figures is a rough measure of the Orionid 
activity (figure 1). The Orionids show the typical symmetric profile, 
whereby the maximum between October 21/22 and 23/24 lasted somewhat longer 
than in the visual data. The long-term video rate profile of the Orionids 
obtained in the latest meteor shower analysis is given for comparison. 
Both profiles agree well.

Figure 1: Activity profile of the Orionids 2009. The red line represents
the long-term activity profile from the last comprehensive meteor shower
analysis in autumn 2009.

Figure 2 gives the same profile for the southern (MDC: 2 STA) and northern
(MDC: 17 NTA) Taurids. Due to the smaller data set (1,537 STA, 1,297 NTA),
the scatter is larger than for the Orionids. Still, the trend observed
earlier, that the southern branch is dominating in early October, whereby
both branches become equally strong towards the end, is clearly visible in
the 2009 data as well.

Figure 2: Activity profile of the northern and southern Taurids in 2009.

The October Ursae Majorids (named tau Ursa Majorids - TUM - in previous
analyses, now MDC: 333 OCU) were discovered by Japanese observers around
S. Uehara in 2006 and confirmed by us only a few days later. In the recent
comprehensive analyses of IMO video data, the shower was detected between
October 12 and 20 with a maximum video rate of 2.5 on October 15. Based
on 327 shower members, the maximum date could be confirmed in 2009 as
presented in figure 3. The same graph shows that the Leonis Minorids
(MDC: 22 LMI) a few days later presented the same activity looking at the 
plain meteor counts (330 in total). Note, that the analysis procedure applied
here does not account for different radiant altitudes. Thus, with respect
to ZHR the LMI should have been somewhat stronger than OCU, with matches
to the long-term result (maximum video rate of 4.2). The date of maximum of
the Leonids Minoris (October 23) did also agree with the long-term value.

Figure 3: Activity profile of the October Ursae Majorids and the Leonis
Minorids 2009.

In the end let's have a closer look at the October Camelopardalids
(MDC: 281 OCT). Finnish observers around J. Moilanen and E. Lyytinen noticed
activity from this shower in 2005. In the same year, our camera network
recorded about a dozen shower members - typically too few for a meteor shower
identification. However, the activity was concentrated on a short time
interval of roughly two hours in the evening with minimum sporadic activity.
So the shower was clearly noticeable. Since it was never observed before,
we first thought of a singular outburst. In the next year, however, we
confirmed the hypothesis of E. Lyytinen, that this is in fact an annual
shower. With the expected offset of 6 hours, more than 40 shower members
were recorded in a short time interval. In our last full analysis of the
IMO Video Meteor Database, the shower was not found with the standard
parameter set, because it was ways to short for the applied minimum shower
duration criterion. Still, we could identify the October Camelopardalids
in the Solar longitude interval 192-193 degrees with a maximum video rate
of 2.0.

Based on the complete IMO Video Meteor Database including the 2009 data,
I now obtained an activity profile of high temporal resolution from the
shower. Between Solar longitude 191 and 194, the number of Camelopardalids
(214 in total) and sporadic meteors (3,592 in total) was determined in bins
of 0.1 degrees Solar longitude (about 2.5 hours). The result is given in
figure 4. Despite the short interval length, the profile shows remarkably
little scatter. The OCT are only active between Solar longitude 192.5 and 
192.8, i.e. within about 5 to 6 hours of time. The activity outside this 
interval should be the sporadic background, i.e. meteors that matched only by 
chance the OCT radiant. At maximum (in the Solar longitude interval 
192.6-192.7 degrees) the shower reaches about half the sporadic meteor count. 
In other words, every fifth recorded meteor in that interval was an 
October Camelopardalid.

Figure 4: Long-term activity profile of the October Camelopardalids with
high temporal resolution, based on observations of the IMO Video Meteor
Network including 2009.

1. Observers

Code    Name        Place           Camera         FOV    LM Nights Time Meteors
BENOR Benitez-S.  Las Palmas    TIMES4 (1.4/50)   20 dg  3 mag 20  100.5 h   319
                                TIMES5 (0.95/50)  10 dg  3 mag 18   72.5 h   131
BRIBE Brinkmann   Herne         HERMINE (0.8/6)   55 dg  3 mag 22  109.1 h   633
CASFL Castellani  Monte Baldo   BMH1 (0.8/6)      55 dg  3 mag 16  101.2 h   453
                                BMH2 (0.8/6)      55 dg  3 mag 16  113.1 h   613
CRIST Crivello    Valbrevenna   C3P8 (0.8/3.8)    80 dg  3 mag 25  173.3 h  1207
                                STG38 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 26  138.1 h   467
ELTMA Eltri       Venezia       MET38 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 16  121.0 h   722
GONRU Goncalves   Tomar         TEMPLAR1 (0.8/6)  55 dg  3 mag 25  188.1 h  1235
                                TEMPLAR2 (0.8/6)  55 dg  3 mag 24  176.0 h   728
GOVMI Govedic     Sredisce      ORION2 (0.8/8)    42 dg  4 mag 19   84.2 h   354
HERCA Hergenroth. Tucson        SALSA (1.2/4)     80 dg  3 mag 26  180.0 h   692
                                SALSA2 (1.2/4)    80 dg  3 mag 27  192.2 h   919
HINWO Hinz        Brannenburg   AKM2 (0.85/25)    32 dg  6 mag 10   55.5 h   465
JOBKL Jobse       Oostkapelle   BETSY2 (1.2/85)   25 dg  7 mag 15  115.8 h   923
KACJA Kac         Kostanjevec   METKA (0.8/8)     42 dg  4 mag 11   62.3 h   200
                  Ljubljana     ORION1 (0.8/8)    42 dg  4 mag 23   97.6 h   427
                  Kamnik        REZIKA (0.8/6)    55 dg  3 mag  1    6.5 h    75
KOSDE Koschny     Noordwijkerh. TEC1 (1.4/12)     30 dg  4 mag  6   23.8 h    67
LUNRO Lunsford    Chula Vista   BOCAM (1.4/50)    60 dg  6 mag 22  155.8 h  1587
MOLSI Molau       Seysdorf      AVIS2 (1.4/50)    60 dg  6 mag  9   53.1 h   806
                                MINCAM1 (0.8/8)   42 dg  4 mag 19   91.6 h   488
                  Ketzuer       REMO1 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 22   99.1 h   521
                                REMO2 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 20   69.3 h   220
OCHPA Ochner      Albiano       ALBIANO (1.2/4.5) 68 dg  3 mag 24  164.0 h   794
SCHHA Schremmer   Niederkr.     DORAEMON (0.8/3.8)80 dg  3 mag 18   91.1 h   459
SLAST Slavec      Ljubljana     KAYAK1 (1.8/28)   50 dg  4 mag 15   79.7 h   178
STOEN Stomeo      Scorze        MIN38 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 22  163.7 h  1360
                                NOA38 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 23  142.8 h   791
                                SCO38 (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag 24  174.7 h  1708
STRJO Strunk      Herford       MINCAM2 (0.8/6)   55 dg  3 mag 20   92.1 h   362
                                MINCAM3 (0.8/8)   42 dg  4 mag 15   76.1 h   309
                                MINCAM5 (0.8/6)   55 dg  3 mag 18  109.1 h   677
TEPIS Tepliczky   Budapest      HUMOB (0.8/3.8)   80 dg  3 mag  7   50.0 h   134
YRJIL Yrjola      Kuusankoski   FINEXCAM (0.8/6)  55 dg  3 mag 14  100.7 h   598
Overall                                                        31 3824.5 h 21622

2. Observing Times (h)

Oct    01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15
BENOR   -   3.3   -    -   4.3  3.9   -    -    -    -   4.6  6.8  4.9  6.4  5.9
       3.0   -   3.5  6.7   -   4.9  8.5   -    -    -    -    -    -   5.0  2.8
BRIBE  2.8  4.7  0.3  7.8   -    -    -   8.3  1.0   -   0.9  7.8  6.8  9.4  5.8
CASFL  3.2  1.9  2.9   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
       6.9  3.4  4.8   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
CRIST  6.3  8.5  4.1  5.4   -    -    -   2.0   -   9.1  2.8 10.3 10.6 11.1  8.2
       9.5  9.6  3.0  4.1   -    -   2.8  1.0  1.0  6.6  3.3  9.1  9.2 10.2  7.2
ELTMA   -   3.4  7.2  3.0   -    -    -    -    -    -    -   8.8  8.3   -   8.7
GONRU  7.2  9.5  4.5  1.4   -    -   1.1  7.5 10.3  2.6 10.9 11.0  9.9 11.1 10.1
       2.7  7.5  6.7   -    -    -   1.3  7.7 10.4  6.3  8.9 11.0  8.0 11.1  9.0
GOVMI   -   3.1 10.6  8.3   -   1.0   -   3.3  0.9   -   1.0   -   9.9   -   7.0
HERCA  6.4  3.4   -   2.0  2.5   -    -    -   7.6  3.9  4.2  6.9  4.6  5.1  8.6
       5.4  6.4   -   6.5  1.7   -   1.0   -   7.6  2.9  5.2  4.8  5.6  6.2 10.2
HINWO   -    -   2.3  0.8   -    -   2.4   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
JOBKL  6.2   -    -    -    -    -    -   7.4   -   5.0  9.0  7.4   -  10.7  4.8
KACJA   -    -   6.7  7.9  2.7  2.9  9.0  3.2   -    -    -    -    -   2.8   - 
        -   0.9  3.4  6.8  2.0  1.9  5.0  1.4   -    -    -   5.1  4.7  2.9  6.7
        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
KOSDE   -    -    -   2.2   -    -    -   6.6   -    -    -    -    -    -    -
LUNRO  8.2  9.6  6.4   -    -   9.2  3.7  6.4  9.9   -    -    -    -    -  10.0
MOLSI  1.4  7.6  8.0  8.1   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
       1.9  7.7  6.3  7.8  1.1  2.4  2.9   -    -   2.5   -   1.8  8.9  1.1   - 
       2.4  4.0  1.5  6.0  0.4  0.5  0.2  6.4  5.0   -    -   6.2  8.3  0.5   - 
       4.2  0.4  0.6  8.8   -    -   1.4  0.9  7.9   -    -   2.3  1.8   -    -
OCHPA   -    -   4.2   -   6.3  1.6   -   2.1  3.1  6.1   -   8.7  9.4  9.4  8.4
SCHHA  5.7  5.2   -   3.2   -    -    -   5.7   -    -    -   4.6  8.3  8.5  2.8
SLAST   -   3.3   -   7.0   -    -   4.0  2.2   -    -    -   5.7  7.5  3.8  7.5
STOEN   -   6.1  7.1  5.8  4.2  1.5   -   1.0   -    -   3.3  9.1 10.5 10.7  9.6
        -   2.2  6.1  1.7  4.9  3.1   -    -    -    -   2.0  9.2  9.5  8.2  8.2
        -   5.1  9.1  5.9  5.9  5.0   -   2.1   -    -   2.9 10.1  9.5  8.5  8.7
STRJO  1.5  0.5   -   7.9   -    -    -   8.6  2.9   -   1.5  0.7  5.0  6.6  6.0
       1.0   -    -   8.5   -    -    -   5.4  3.0   -    -   1.5  9.7  9.6  4.3
       2.2   -    -   7.2   -    -    -   7.7  4.4   -    -   3.2 10.0 10.8  4.5
TEPIS  2.3  6.7 10.6  8.6   -    -  10.6   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
YRJIL  4.3 10.2   -    -   3.8  4.8  4.5  7.5 10.3  9.9  2.0   -   9.8 10.4   -
Sum   94.7134.2119.9149.4 39.8 42.7 58.4104.4 85.3 54.9 62.5152.1190.7180.1165.0

Oct    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31
BENOR  5.4  7.4  4.4  6.4  4.4  4.9  6.4  5.9  5.9  1.5   -   4.4  3.4   -    -    - 
       3.5  1.8  1.5  4.5  4.0   -   1.0  4.0   -   7.5  2.5   -   3.0  4.8   -    -
BRIBE  5.8  5.1  2.1  9.1  6.6  1.3  2.9  4.0  0.6  6.8   -   9.2   -    -    -    -
CASFL  5.7 11.3  6.6  6.1  2.0   -   7.1  1.3  8.2 11.7  8.0  9.8  4.4   -    -  11.0
       6.7 11.2  6.6  8.0  4.2   -   7.5  2.2  8.5 10.4  8.0 11.4  3.8   -    -   9.5
CRIST  4.9  8.1 11.1  3.0   -   1.0  1.7 10.2  6.9 10.4 10.6   -   1.0  9.2  8.3  8.5
       6.1  5.3 10.4  2.5   -    -   1.0  7.0  3.6  8.5  3.2  2.2   -   4.1  1.6  6.0
ELTMA  6.0 10.0 10.5  6.1  2.7   -   4.1   -  10.7 10.6 10.1 10.8   -    -    -    -
GONRU 11.2 11.2 11.2   -   5.7   -   8.5   -   9.2  1.7  9.3 10.6  2.1  5.4  4.9   - 
       9.2  9.2 11.2   -   4.8   -   8.5   -   8.2  4.2  9.3  7.6  4.1  3.1  4.9  1.1
GOVMI  1.3   -    -    -  10.2  4.7  5.0   -   0.8   -   3.2   -   2.3  2.8  1.0  7.8
HERCA  7.0 11.0  7.4  4.4 11.1  9.1  8.6  6.7 10.7  7.6 10.3  6.0   -   7.3  9.8  7.8
      11.0 11.0  6.9  4.7  9.1  8.2  9.6  6.7 10.8  7.6  8.3  6.0   -   9.0  8.4 11.4
HINWO   -    -    -  11.1 11.2  4.4  7.7   -    -    -    -   7.6  7.2   -    -   0.8
JOBKL  7.7  8.9  6.0  8.0   -    -   7.9  6.3 10.3   -    -    -    -  10.2   -    -
KACJA   -   1.2   -    -   9.4   -    -    -    -    -    -   7.0   -    -    -   9.5
       6.3  6.4 10.3  7.2  6.3   -   7.1   -   0.6   -   1.9  3.5  0.8  2.9   -   3.5
        -    -   6.5   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
KOSDE   -   6.2   -    -    -    -    -   3.6  4.7   -    -    -    -    -   0.5   -
LUNRO 10.5  7.8  9.2   -    -   3.7  4.0  1.9  8.6  1.6  9.2  8.9  2.9  7.7  7.7  8.7
MOLSI   -    -    -  10.1  7.4  3.8   -    -    -    -    -   6.2  0.5   -    -    - 
        -   0.3   -  10.7 11.7  3.3  0.3   -    -    -    -  10.6  3.6   -   6.7   - 
        -   0.6  7.7 11.8  0.8  5.3   -    -   5.5  6.1   -    -    -   7.1 11.1  1.7
        -   1.1  6.2 10.7  0.9  5.5   -   0.5  3.5  0.6   -    -   1.5  3.3  7.2   -
OCHPA  9.5 10.1 12.2  3.1  1.1   -   7.4  4.3  6.9 11.5 10.5  6.6  3.9  8.6   -   9.0
SCHHA  1.9  8.1   -   6.0   -    -   7.8  7.1  4.7  3.6   -   6.1  1.1   -   1.5   -
SLAST  6.7  3.8 10.2  6.5  6.0   -   2.3   -    -    -    -   3.2   -    -    -    -
STOEN  7.0 10.8   -   5.5   -    -    -    -  10.6 10.7 10.9 11.8  8.0  7.2  4.4  7.9
       5.6  9.0 10.4  5.1   -    -   1.0   -  10.8 11.0  8.1  8.5  2.6  7.0  1.8  6.8
       5.4  9.6 10.8  4.6   -    -   1.6   -  10.6 11.0 11.0 10.1  3.9  9.9  4.5  8.9
STRJO  2.3  5.2  4.3  8.9 10.3  7.2   -   1.1   -   2.0   -    -   2.1   -   7.5   - 
        -    -    -   6.8  8.2  9.0   -   1.0   -   2.1   -    -   0.7   -   5.3   - 
       2.6  6.8  4.6 10.5 11.3  7.3   -   1.7   -   3.6   -    -   3.0   -   7.7   -
TEPIS   -    -   4.0   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   7.2   -
YRJIL   -    -    -    -    -   1.2   -    -    -    -    -    -    -  12.2   -   9.8
Sum  149.3198.5192.3181.4149.4 79.9119.0 75.5160.9152.3134.4168.1 65.9121.8112.0129.7

3. Results (Meteors)

Oct    01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15
BENOR   -    6    -    -   10    8    -    -    -    -   10   11   10    8   15 
        4    -    5   16    -    9   19    -    -    -    -    -    -    6    5
BRIBE  10   21    1   38    -    -    -   45    2    -    4   30   45   52   29
CASFL   9    8    7    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
       18    8   13    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
CRIST  31   37    8   18    -    -    -    2    -   50    7   58   84   68   67
       39   29    5    9    -    -    5    1    2   15    7   31   44   36   27
ELTMA   -   11   23    7    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   52   36    -   60
GONRU  28   49   12    1    -    -    1   32   52    6   74   60   68   93   79 
       13   14   12    -    -    -    1   22   34   21   26   35   22   50   43
GOVMI   -   10   33   28    -    1    -    6    1    -    2    -   44    -   21
HERCA  10    9    -    3    2    -    -    -   14    3    3   12    8   16   22 
       19   26    -   16    4    -    2    -   21    6    7   17   16   32   28
HINWO   -    -   10    1    -    -    7    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
JOBKL  24    -    -    -    -    -    -   50    -   22   48   65    -  131   27
KACJA   -    -   17   16    5    4   25    5    -    -    -    -    -    5    - 
        -    1    6   17    4    2   11    2    -    -    -   21   33    7   37 
        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
KOSDE   -    -    -    4    -    -    -   17    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
LUNRO  76   52   39    -    -   24   10   18   24    -    -    -    -    -  109
MOLSI   5   46   57   58    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
        2   30   34   38    6   10    3    -    -   17    -    9   30    5    - 
        7   10    4   30    1    1    1   18   12    -    -   24   34    1    - 
       15    2    2   36    -    -    2    4   34    -    -    8    7    -    -
OCHPA   -    -    5    -   15    4    -    2    3   11    -   42   31   46   49
SCHHA  17   16    -   12    -    -    -   28    -    -    -   12   26   19   14
SLAST   -    3    -   11    -    -    6    2    -    -    -   10   28    6   17
STOEN   -   15   22   19   11    4    -    2    -    -   19  115   73   74   79 
        -    4   11    4   12    7    -    -    -    -    5   47   40   55   59 
        -   17   35   17   23   14    -    2    -    -   11  118   61   89  104
STRJO   4    1    -   19    -    -    -   26    6    -    4    3   18   30   28 
        3    -    -   25    -    -    -   17    5    -    -    2   25   23   16 
        7    -    -   38    -    -    -   22   14    -    -    9   67   40   18
TEPIS   7   14   25   26    -    -   31    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
YRJIL  23   57    -    -   18   22   26   27   51   77    4    -   68   78    -
Sum   371  496  386  507  111  110  150  350  275  228  231  791  918  970  953

Oct    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31
BENOR  12   24   28   35   32   21   37   22   13    3    -   10    4    -    -    - 
        5    4    4    8    6    -    1    8    -   14    3    -    4   10    -    -
BRIBE  34   42    9   83   26    6   16   53    3   46    -   38    -    -    -    -
CASFL  38   54   55   38    4    -   44    5   28   56   37   28   16    -    -   26 
       48   60   70   55   10    -   69   18   43   78   49   26    7    -    -   41
CRIST  30   51  122    8    -    2    3  163   59  115   95    -    2   65   33   29
       21   19   59    4    -    -    1   37    6   41    6    2    -    8    2   11
ELTMA  43   74   90   40   11    -   11    -   87   77   54   46    -    -    -    -
GONRU  74   88  100    -   47    -   86    -   85    3   67   85    4   24   17    - 
       48   37   76    -   31    -   63    -   49   13   40   43   15    6   12    2
GOVMI   9    -    -    -  104   12   32    -    2    -   13    -    4    5    7   20
HERCA  24   24   31   16   70   87   77   63   65   16   37   32    -   15   15   18 
       41   31   26   25   74   79   80   79   89   21   56   52    -   22   22   28
HINWO   -    -    -  112  114   22   91    -    -    -    -   53   50    -    -    5
JOBKL  29   70   28  105    -    -  117   56   97    -    -    -    -   54    -    -
KACJA   -    2    -    -   69    -    -    -    -    -    -   22    -    -    -   30 
       28   32   57   52   48    -   45    -    2    -    3    6    1    6    -    6 
        -    -   75    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
KOSDE   -   18    -    -    -    -    -   10   17    -    -    -    -    -    1    -
LUNRO 112   83   59    -    -  193  234   87  123    4   83   61   44   47   44   61
MOLSI   -    -    -  338  155   62    -    -    -    -    -   82    3    -    -    - 
        -    1    -  138   69   11    2    -    -    -    -   37    6    -   40    - 
        -    2   43  116    2   55    -    -   24   23    -    -    -   55   51    7 
        -    3   13   30    2   25    -    2    9    2    -    -    3    5   16    -
OCHPA  50   52   93    7    1    -   77   24   33   76   59   21    8   46    -   39
SCHHA  11   33    -   62    -    -   62   59   29   20    -   28    5    -    6    -
SLAST  11    9   32   19   13    -    5    -    -    -    -    6    -    -    -    -
STOEN  43  132    -   80    -    -    -    -  149  168  108   68   15   94   27   43 
       22   64   90   42    -    -    2    -   99   83   55   22    5   36    5   22 
       46  167  194  106    -    -    5    -  173  167   93   63   10  112   21   60
STRJO  14   22   19   50   57   31    -    2    -    6    -    -    4    -   18    - 
        -    -    -   39   64   59    -    3    -   10    -    -    2    -   16    - 
       16   40   38  107  137   56    -    8    -   13    -    -    9    -   38    -
TEPIS   -    -    9    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   22    -
YRJIL   -    -    -    -    -    4    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   88    -   55
Sum   809 1238 1420 1715 1146  725 1160  699 1284 1055  858  831  221  698  413  503

Sirko Molau, 2009/12/03