Results of the AKM Video Meteor Network - June 2003

Another record again! 23 observing nights obtained by a single central European
observer in one month have been achieved only once before (in August 2000). In
the last few years, we have never obtained more than 14 nights per observer
in June, but in 2003 two of us got more than 20 nights (MOLSI and STRJO), and
a third one (RENJU) could observe in 17 nights. 

The weather was indeed unusually pleasant. In the Bavarian village of Seysdorf,
for example, there was essentially Sunshine all the time! Only when the days 
were too hot, we had a few thunderstorms in the evenings and nights which 
blocked the view to the stars. We experienced some temperature records 
with well above 30 deg centigrade, whereas the weather was quite poor at the 
other side of the globe: In Australia, Steve Quirk had only 12 clear nights. 
Fortunately, the meteor detection rate was unusually high for his 
non-intensified camera, so that he managed to provide about half of all 
meteor records.

In the nothern hemipshere, night time was at its lowest in June and skies 
became not really dark at many sites. The hourly rate remained low as before: 
There were only a few Sporadics, and neither the Sagittarids nor the June 
Bootids showed significant activity. However, the first few nights of July 
have demonstrated that the dry period is over and that meteor numbers are 
increasing again. In addition, the nights are getting noticably longer by 
the end of July, which will also have a positive impact on the overall meteor 
number. If the weather remains as good as in the previous months, everything 
should be perfect...

1. Observers

Code    Name       Place           Camera          FOV    LM Nights Time Meteors
KOSDE Koschny    Noordwijkerh. ICC3 (0.85/25)     25 dg  6 mag  12  44.5 h    92
MOLSI Molau      Seysdorf      AVIS (2.0/35)      40 dg  5 mag  19  83.4 h   323
                               MINCAM1 (1.4/12)   35 dg  4 mag  18  70.9 h    98
NITMI Nitschke   Dresden       VK1 (0.75/50)      20 dg  8 mag   2  10.0 h    17
QUIST Quirk      Mudgee        SSO-WAT1 (0.85/25) 13 dg  5 mag  13 123.1 h   627
RENJU Rendtel    Marquardt     AKM2 (0.85/25)     32 dg  6 mag  17  47.3 h   104
STRJO Strunk     Leopondshoehe MINCAM2 (0.8/6)    55 dg  3 mag  21  66.4 h   104
Sum                                                             29 445.6 h  1365

2. Observing Times (h)

June   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15
KOSDE   -    -    -    -    -    -   2.7  3.4  3.8   -   4.3   -   4.0  4.0  3.9
MOLSI  3.8  5.2  5.3  4.3   -   2.7  4.2   -   5.2  4.6  5.1   -   4.0   -   2.9
        -    -    -    -    -    -   4.4   -   5.9  5.0  4.8   -   3.9  0.7  3.7
NITMI  5.0   -   5.0   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
QUIST   -  10.1  7.6   -  10.5 11.0 11.0 11.3 10.9   -    -    -  10.8   -    -
RENJU  3.5  3.6  3.5  3.1   -   3.7   -    -   3.7   -   3.5   -   2.0  0.5   -
STRJO  4.3   -    -   4.1  4.0  4.0  3.9   -   4.1  1.5  3.8  1.0  3.7   -    -
Sum   16.6 18.9 21.4 11.5 14.5 21.4 26.2 14.7 33.6 11.1 21.5  1.0 28.4  5.2 10.5

June   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30
KOSDE  4.0   -    -    -   3.7  2.0   -    -    -    -   4.4   -   4.3   -    -
MOLSI  4.2   -    -    -   4.5  4.5  3.8   -   5.0   -   4.3   -   4.8  5.0   -
       5.8   -    -   2.2  1.8  1.6  5.2   -   5.6  4.2  4.8   -   5.0  5.6  0.7
NITMI   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
QUIST   -   8.5   -  10.8   -    -    -    -    -    -  10.2   -    -  10.4   -
RENJU   -   1.0   -    -   1.4   -    -   3.4  3.4  3.2  3.3  3.5   -   1.0   -
STRJO  2.5   -    -    -   2.4  3.6  3.7  3.8  3.8  3.8  3.8  1.3   -   1.0  2.3
Sum   16.5  9.5   -  13.0 13.8 11.7 12.7  7.2 17.8 11.2 30.8  4.8 14.1 23.0  3.0

3. Results (Meteors)

June   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15
KOSDE   -    -    -    -    -    -   11    6    5    -   14    -    7   15    5
MOLSI  19   22   22   21    -   14    7    -   19   16   13    -    5    -    8
        -    -    -    -    -    -    4    -    8    5    2    -    3    1    6
NITMI  14    -    3    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
QUIST   -    3   29    -   56   45   59   68   37   34    -    -   81    -    -
RENJU   5    7    3    3    -    7    -    -    9    -   12    -    3    1    -
STRJO   4    -    -    5    3    3    4    -    5    1    5    2    7    -    -
Sum    42   32   57   29   59   69   85   74   83   56   46    2  106   17   19

June   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30
KOSDE   6    -    -    -    7    2    -    -    -    -    9    -    5    -    -
MOLSI  15    -    -    -   25   28   21    -   23    -   10    -   10   25    -
        6    -    -    2    7    3   12    -   11   11    5    -    4    6    2
NITMI   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
QUIST   -   61    -   74    -    -    -    -    -    -   50    -    -   30    -
RENJU   -    2    -    -    1    -    -   12   11    9    7   10    -    2    -
STRJO   6    -    -    -    6   10    6    7    6    9    8    4    -    1    2
Sum    33   63    -   76   46   43   39   19   51   29   89   14   19   64    4

Sirko Molau, 2003/07/11